October Stand Out Buckaroos!

Congratulations to the Principal's Award recipients!

Cinnamon Roll Fundraiser at the Elementary School please support our school and students by ordering a dozen or two. You can stop by the office and place an order if you haven't already purchased yours. Orders are due by November 15th for these freshly made cinnamon rolls ready for pick up on Saturday 11/19, - Monday 11/21, for $20.00 for a dozen and $35.00 for two dozen.

11/9 MS/HS Daily Announcements: https://5il.co/1keth

Grad Night Citrus Fundraiser! See images for ordering details. All orders are due by November 30!

11/8 MS/HS Daily Announcements: https://5il.co/1kcxc

MS Girls Basketball: Today's game at Mill City MS will be A team only at 4:00 pm. Go Bucks!

Congratulations to our St. Paul Volleyball Team! Way to go ladies! An extra shout out goes to Stella Koch who earned 1st Team and Audra Rose who earned 2nd Team!

St. Paul Football: Friday's Quarterfinal Football Playoff game will be held at McMinnville Stadium at 7:00 p.m. $10 adults/$6 students. Digital ticketing also available here: https://www.osaa.org/shop/tickets. Go Bucks!

11/7 MS/HS Daily Announcements: https://5il.co/1kah2

Elementary Newsletter, https://www.smore.com/bvqy8

#OnToState #GoLadyBucks!
State Volleyball Championship
Ridgeview High School
Redmond OR
Game 1 - Friday, Nov 4, 10 am
Game 2 - Friday, Nov 4 TBA
Game 3 - Saturday, Nov 5 TBA
Tickets must be purchased online at OSAA Live - http://www.osaa.org/app

11/3 MS/HS Daily Announcements: https://5il.co/1k6b2

11/2 MS/HS Daily Announcements: https://5il.co/1k4km

St. Paul Middle/High School Principal's Newsletter. Greetings Buckaroo Families!

Winter Basketball Registration

11/1 MS/HS Daily Announcements: https://5il.co/1k2ur

Students of the Month: Please join us in congratulating the October Students of the Month for St. Paul Middle/High School!

State Volleyball Championship!
Ridgeview High School
Redmond OR
Game 1 - Friday, Nov 4, 10 am
Game 2 - Friday, Nov 4 TBA
Game 3 - Saturday, Nov 5 TBA
Tickets must be purchased online at OSAA Live - http://www.osaa.org/app

10/31 MS/HS Daily Announcements: https://5il.co/1k0vh